
Hire A Vegas Stripper Tonight

Enjoy All That Las Vegas Has To Offer

Always a Great Time. Just Call!

Happy Customers

Party Girls to Choose

Minutes or Less to Your Party


Guaranteed Good Time

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you're not 100% happy with your strripper, simply let us know, and we'll send a replacement within 45 minutes.

Safe, No Risk Payment Options

Pay with card or cash, however you prefer!...Only pay once you approve your stripper!

Guaranteed Smiles Everytime

Our only goal is to make sure you're happy and have a memorable experience!

We booked Shayla and  Nikki for my buddy's bachelor party. They were even prettier in person and so much fun!

Jason K

OMG. Do your self a favor and call these girls right now. I book every time I'm in Vegas and they are always amazing.

Barett J

Calling Vegas Party Babes was the best decision I made during my trip to Las Vegas!

Bentley M

Have the Night of Your Life
Pick up the phone and call, what are you waiting for? Our girls are excited to hear from you so don’t be shy!
Party Like a Rockstar in Las Vegas
Let us help you enjoy all that Las Vegas has to offer with one of our beautiful party babes.
Our Vegas Party Babes Aim to Please

These babes want to make sure you have a great time and an amazing party. Just call, you won’t regret it!

Make A Memory Tonight

It’s your Vegas trip. What will you remember? Smoky casinos and sports bars? Or partying with a beautiful woman who just wants to make you smile?

CALL (702) 602-6004